15/07/2024 – Bristol Airport – ICAO Airfield Lighting Training. Airfield Training Company has been delivering AGL Training at Bristol Airport for over 5 years. ATC and BIA established an AGL Training Framework agreement in 2019 to deliver a range of AGL courses including:

  • Introduction to airfield lighting – 1 day

  • Airfield lighting electrical safety – 2 days

  • Airfield lighting & ccr maintenance – 5 days

  • Airside approved person – 4 days

  • Airfield lighting design – 5 days

On each of the AGL training courses provided we also deliver refresher training every 2 years for airfield engineers who have taken the main training courses. BIA and ATC are committed to delivering continuous improvement training in line with ICAO’s NGAP – Next Generation Aviation Training guidelines.

For more information on setting up a framework agl training programme for your airport or contracting company please contact: enquiries@airfieldtraining.com

AGL Training Courses by ATC: Click Here

Bristol Airport Website: Click Here